Tag Archives: tea

It’s been a long, long time.


Hey everybody.

Can I just say how sorry I am that it’s been so long since I last posted?  To be honest, I’ve had recipes and photos ready, but absolutely zero motivation to share them.  Today must be different though.  I decided that I just needed to post.  It had to be done.  It’s a rainy summer day here, and I really should be doing the dishes.  But dishes are about at the bottom of my “What I LIKE To Do” list.  They also score the bottom of my priority list.  Just come over, you’ll understand when you see the piles of dirty dishes on my counter.

So, instead of doing the dishes, I’m sitting down with a cup of Vanilla Nut Creme tea, and I’m [finally] writing a post.  This one won’t include a recipe, but one shall follow SOON, and when I say SOON, I mean like today or tomorrow.  Because, I also decided to make scones before doing the dishes.  You might say they partially inspired me to finally share.  The other factor was the fact that a few people in the last week have said that they love reading about all the food I post.  One guy said, ‘I have one question for you:  Why haven’t you been posting anything?”  I told him that I found out I was pregnant, and that was pretty much it.  It’s amazing how draining creating a baby is.  They are like little energy leeches, even at only a few weeks in there.

Would anybody like an update?  I’m almost 17 weeks pregnant, my baby bump popped last week (out of nowhere), and I’m feeling great, other than being exhausted!  I’m super glad nausea is over with – I was SO tired of feeling sick allllll the time.

A lot has happened since the last post.  I’ll just give a couple highlights from the last few weeks.  Cael turned 1!  How time flies!  We went to a Rascal Flatts concert (have I mentioned that they are my all time favourite, and I actually got to see them LIVE?!).  We also went camping for a night with a bunch of other young families.  And we drove 22 hours to visit some family and friends in Ontario – Which included much driving, Canada’s Wonderland, lots of great food, a beautiful wedding, a bit of shopping, and not enough sleep.  It was really a great time.  How summer is flying by!  It’s insane.  I cannot believe that August has arrived already and has been slipping by as I’ve been trying to put my house back together from all the packing and unpacking and birthday presents that have been going on here.

{Hubby was a photographer for some of our younger friends on prom night.  We both joined them all for dinner.  I got to dress up – definitely the highlight for me… well, along with awesome food.}

I hope this suffices as an apology post.  I will make it up to you with a stellar scone recipe in a short while.  I must go, as my scones need to be removed from the oven – they smell so good!  Peace out guys.  Happy August 2nd!  🙂

Breakdown – and more DOUGH


Okay, so have you ever reached that point where you just don’t know what to do?  I have.  Many times.  And today was a perfect example.  Imagine moving into a house, but only moving half of you belongings.  The house is completely full, and very neat.  All of a sudden, the rest of your belongings arrive (with no prior notice).  You have nowhere to put them, and your neat, new house is going to be in shambles and busting at the seams.


This actually happened.

Except it really wasn’t all bad, just completely overwhelming at the time.  My house is coming together!  I love it.  (The top floor anyways, as the other half of my belongings – plus much of the first half – are down in the basement thrown everywhere.  I’m surprised there is room to move!)  Apparently, I am was a packrat.  I have changed, I promise!  My mother will never believe me after everything she found in my bedroom, but give me a break.  I’ve been in the same room my whole life.  Of course there is going to be a lot of junk stuff.  🙂  Right?

And these rolls make me feel better either way.

Anyhow.  That was how my afternoon went.  The rest of the day was great.  Awesome sunshine, walks, a big brunch with my family, BBQ hamburgers for supper…  Can’t complain about that.

But.  You guys can complain.  I’ve relapsed into my ‘no posting syndrome’ from a few months ago.  Thing is, I just didn’t have the umption in my gumption (as some older lady in my family would say..)  But I’m trying to overcome this awful disease.  I would have you know that I baked the first thing ever in OUR house Thursday.  It was great.  Until I remembered I had no eggs.  And the recipe called for 3.  I had already started…  *Sigh, AGAIN.  But it turned out okay.  I’ll post those soon.  (Keep your eye out for Peanut Butter Cream-wiches – super yummy, especially if you’re a sucker for peanut butter anything, like moi.)  You know.  There are too many things I really want to post, and too little time (especially when I’m not posting… haha.  I’ll get my act together, okay?)

So.  This recipe.  I hope it’s going to BLOW.  Your.  Socks.  OFF!  🙂  I thought they turned out really good anyways.  Coulda eaten the whole lot of em.  My brother Caleb even said that they were a keeper (so they must have been good…)!

A few weeks ago, I posted my grandmother’s awesome recipe for Cinnamon Rolls.  This is my twist.  They are still rolls, but less the cinnamon, and add many other yummy, wonderful ingredients.  Like tea.  And jelly.  Mmmmm…

Apple Jelly Tea Rolls

(Or Absolutely Divine Yummyness – whichever you prefer)

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup margarine, softened

2 eggs

1/2 cup milk, warmed

4 tea bags (I used breakfast tea, but really any black tea will work great)

1 tsp vanilla


3 cups flour

3 1/2 tsp baking powder

Before you do anything else, but your tea bags in the warmed milk to steep.  You want to get as much flavour out of them as possible.

(Do it.  Seriously – the more tea, the more awesome.)  Then preheat your oven to 350 and get baking!  Beat together sugar and margarine.  Mix in eggs, vanilla, and salt.  Discard tea bags, and add the milk to your mixture.  Mix until combined.  Add flour and baking powder, gradually.  The dough should look something like this:

Next, roll out your dough into a rectangle.  Spread on 1 cup of apple jelly, evenly.

I used homemade apple jelly from our very own apple trees.  It is so good.  If I make some this summer, I’ll most definitely share the recipe!

Sprinkle with brown sugar, and a slight dusting of cloves.  I was so proud of my addition of the cloves.  They add a wonderful aroma, and it just goes so well!

Next, roll the dough along the long edge.  Cut into 12 rolls.  Place on a greased baking sheet, and bake for about 20 minutes.

While they are baking, you can make the glaze.  (I know, it just gets better and better all the time, eh?)

You will need to steep 3 more tea bags in a 1/2 cup of warmed evaporated milk.  After they have steep for a good while (at least 10 minutes), mix in a pinch of salt and cloves, and 3 cups of icing sugar.  Mix until smooth.  Drizzle over cooled tea rolls, generously.

*Note – You will definitely have leftover icing.  Save it.  You will want to dunk every piece into it.  Even after you’ve drowned them in drizzle…

{I may have made a slight mess…}

And you will love them.

Again, please forgive my tardiness for posting.  I’m ashamed of myself.  Disgusted really.  But, it happens.  So.  There you have it.  A post.  Long awaited by many…  I hope.  🙂

Will this picture make up for it?

Hope so.

Have a great rest-of-your-weekend!

What is your favourite kind of tea?  (I love too many kinds to make a decision… but anything vanilla, or peach… )