Monthly Archives: March 2013

Knit Headbands


I’m baaaaccckkkk.  And not pregnant anymore!

Knit headbands

I’d like to have some sort of good, quirky, true excuse for not having posted since October.  But the truth is…  I just didn’t.  I wanted to, truly.  It just didn’t happen.  Perhaps it had something to do with being preggers, Christmas, a newborn.  Let’s say it did.  (But honestly, I had lots of time I could have spent doing this instead of the myriads of other things I did.)  I miss this.

So we’re going to try to get back into it.  I have to rely on hubby to remind me to do this.  He’s a pretty good nagger motivator.  Really though, he’s great at getting me into these things.

First off, let’s get an update.  A lot can happen in 5 months.  (Wow, has it really been that long?!)  And a lot DID happen.  Lots of cooking and baking happened.  Quite a bit of knitting, wrapping, eating, decorating…  doing wayy too much…  happened as well.  Oh, and I had a baby.  That was probably the biggest thing that happened.


{Say hey to my newest, cutest little guy}

January 16, Jude came into the world at a whopping 9lbs 2oz.  I have no idea how he was so big.  It’s probably a good thing I didn’t know how big he was going to be before I went into labour…  He was so worth it though.  Such a good, happy, handsome little man.  I’m sure you’ll be seeing a lot of him.  (Hope you don’t mind!)


{Cael likes his new brother…most of the time.  Typical siblings…}

I thought we’d start off the new year (a few months late) with something different.  Over Christmas, I got a pattern for some knit headbands, that I looooved.  Anyhow, I made three.  One for my friend’s birthday, one for my mom’s birthday, and one for me!  You see, I was out to make 2, but after my mom’s was done, and I had tried it on…  Well, let’s just say she didn’t get that one.  Never try on something you’re supposed to be giving away, if you like it at all, it might just have to stay with you.

Mom's headband

{Mom ended up with this one.  I’ll have to get a picture of her wearing it – she looks super cute!  Most stylish Mom ever}

I got the pattern from a friend, it’s super easy, and mega versatile.  You can really make it with any kind of yard, any size needles, and any thickness.  But I’ll give you the standard to start with.  When it comes to making the flower, just go by the instructions.  It doesn’t sound right, but once you start to cast off, you’ll be amazed at what happens.  It’s really quite neat.

MY headband

{This one was supposed to be for my mom.  She loves pink.  I abhor pink.  I tried it on.  I loved it.  Make sense?}

Knit Headband

Size 8 needles, thick fluffy yarn, tapestry needle

Cast on number of stitches based on thickness of yarn and width of headband you are looking for. **You must make sure to end each row on purl no matter how many stitches you choose or the ribbing will not work.**  (12 for the thinner version and 16 for the thicker version)

Row 1 till end: k2, p2 until desired length is achieved (test on head, should fit snug b/c will most likely stretch a bit)

Cast off and cut yarn leaving a few inches to sew seam.


Size 8 needles, any yarn (light weight is easier to use for these)

Cast on 10 stitches

Row 1:  Knit

Row 2 (and all even rows): Purl

Row 3: knit into the front and back of each stitch (20 st)

Row 5: knit into the front and back of each stitch (40 st)

Row 7: knit into the front and back of each stitch (80 st)

Row 8: Purl

Cast off, assemble flower, sewing with loose ends.  Attach to the seam of the headband.

Again, I kind of messed around with how many stitches to use for the different widths of headbands and sizes of flowers.  Shout out if you want to know exactly what I did.  They turned out super cute!

Sarah's headband.

{My friend Sarah got this darling.  I’ve also got to get a picture of her with it on, because she looks gorgeous (WITH and without it on)}

Cael update anybody?  He’s getting big!  He says almost everything we say, and is starting to put words together.


Smile!  Or not.

{Funny, as soon as I told him to smile, he gave me the evil stare}

He is 100% boy.  Cars, trains, animals, guns, fighting noises, fighting, you name it.  If you associate it with the male species, he loves it.  Anyhow.  I hope you guys enjoy the headbands.  Food next time, I promise.  I won’t promise that it will be soon, but hopefully it’ll be before August.  No more 5 month intervals.  Okay?  Peace.

Mommy & baby

{Mommy and baby Jude}

Part of Made by you Mondays, and Craft-O-Maniac Monday Link Party